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Every June, in cities around the world, people ride bikes naked to celebrate cycling and the human body. The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road and is a protest against oil dependency. Today in Brighton, despite the wet blustery weather, a huge crowd gathered at The Level to prepare for the ride. The weather was unable to to dampen spirits as the cyclists adorned themselves with paint and left it to the last minute to shed the remnants of clothing that helped to keep the chill at bay. Then they energetically cycled off [on a slightly shorter route than was originally planned to prevent hypothermia;-}] around the city. Polite requests to take photographs were met with warm approval, not one dissent amongst the merry troupe. After a while I lost my initial shyness and ended up thinking nothing of a gentleman's request that I paint green pants on his naked posterior, and pausing only to ask whether he preferred bikini or boxers set to with the paintbrush. It seems natural enough that after a while all this nakedness seems just, well, natural...

All photos ©Julia Claxton. Copies can be purchased for personal use through this website. For press and commercial use, and all other enquiries or to commission photographs please use the contact page to get in touch.
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