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Went to see the Lady Boys do their thing on Friday, and, as it turned out to be, everybody was doing their thing along with them. I've never before experienced a performance where everyone got involved in partying, right down to the sound and lighting crew - it was a real hoot. Audience participation is a given, some audience members chosen to join in the frolics on stage, whilst the rest of us sang, danced or rattled our jewellery where appropriate. The fun is infectious, and trying to photograph whilst joining in with the general mayhem and bonhomie of the evening was interesting to say the least. It turned out to be a particularly special evening for one couple. During the interval the brave Mark Taylor got up on stage and with the support of a bevy of beautiful Lady Boys proposed to his long time friend and lover Shirley Whelan. Who blushingly accepted the ring slipped on her finger by her happy fiancee. I'm planning a return visit without a camera so I can really let my hair down. Go see it! The Lady Boys of Bangkok in Fur Coats and French Knickers, is on at the Sabai Pavilion in Victoria Gardens Brighton until May 30th. For further information go to http://www.ladyboysofbangkok.co.uk/

All photos ©Julia Claxton. Copies can be purchased for personal use through this website, for press and commercial use please contact photographer.
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