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King of the Hill - Tandem Paragliding At Bo Peep Hill East Sussex 2nd June 2011

Nathalie Gomez de Vera of Brighton Visitor has a go at Tandem Paragliding with King of the Hill Owen Latham up on Bo Peep Hill, East Sussex. And then gets her own back on the other intrepid member of the team, the photographer, by sending her up there…
It takes a while to come back to earth from this one. Is indeed A Number 1 and ...AWESOME! Tandem Paragliding with Owen is available in various locations depending on wind direction. Booking is through http://www.orb360.co.uk

All photos ©Julia Claxton, except the ones with her in them. Those are ©Nathalie Gomez de Vera;-}. Copies can be purchased for personal use through this website, for press and commercial use please contact photographer.
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